Christelow, E. (1989). Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. New York: Clarion Books.
ISBN-13: 978-0-395-90023-9
ISBN-10: 0-395-90023-9
It is bed time for the five little monkeys. All the monkeys put on their pajamas and brush their teeth. As their mother turns off the light and closes the door, all the monkeys start jumping on the bed. One falls off from the bed and bumps his head, thus mother calls the doctor and the doctor says, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” One after the other, five little monkeys fall off from the bed and injure their heads. So mother has to call the doctor every time the silly monkeys bump their heads. Finally, the little monkeys decide to settle down and go to bed for the rest of night. However, the mother ends the story by deciding to jump on the bed and have some fun by herself.
I think this book is suitable for children from age three to five because this book contains colourful pictures that can easily grab the children’s attention. This book has an advantage of early exposure to poetry because this book repeats enough times for children to have a sense of nursery rhyme. Finally, this book allows young children to learn simple mathematic skill from counting down the number five to zero in a descending order as the monkeys fall and bump their heads.
How are the illustrations made?
I love the illustrations in this book because its colourful pictures bring out the excitement when I read the book. Next, I really like how each monkey has their unique facial expressions when they are in different situations.
What medium was used?
This book is printed on thick paperboard which is more durable for young children. Young children around age three to five are mostly likely to break the books, thus I would choose the books that are more enduring.
What mood do they evoke?
Reading the book Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed allows me to feel happy and excited. Right from the beginning, I can acknowledge a happy feeling because the smile on each of the monkey’s face shows that they are all having a fun time. I think the author did a great job on presenting the mood of this book because the colourful pictures and the unique facial expressions on each monkey’s face make the story much more enjoyable.
Why would the Children enjoy them?
This book is fun to read and to learn from. The colourful pictures and the fun nursery rhyme bring the excitement out when the children read them. Therefore, these features from the book bring a lot of joy when children read it.
Why were you drawn to them?
When I first read the book, I was immediately drawn to the colourful pictures, nursery rhyme that allows young children to engage in other parts of the brain and the simple math that allows children to count the descending order from number five to zero. I love how the story brings out a message that advises children not to jump on the bed without parent’s guardian because they can easily get hurt.
ISBN-13: 978-0-395-90023-9
ISBN-10: 0-395-90023-9
It is bed time for the five little monkeys. All the monkeys put on their pajamas and brush their teeth. As their mother turns off the light and closes the door, all the monkeys start jumping on the bed. One falls off from the bed and bumps his head, thus mother calls the doctor and the doctor says, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” One after the other, five little monkeys fall off from the bed and injure their heads. So mother has to call the doctor every time the silly monkeys bump their heads. Finally, the little monkeys decide to settle down and go to bed for the rest of night. However, the mother ends the story by deciding to jump on the bed and have some fun by herself.
I think this book is suitable for children from age three to five because this book contains colourful pictures that can easily grab the children’s attention. This book has an advantage of early exposure to poetry because this book repeats enough times for children to have a sense of nursery rhyme. Finally, this book allows young children to learn simple mathematic skill from counting down the number five to zero in a descending order as the monkeys fall and bump their heads.
How are the illustrations made?
I love the illustrations in this book because its colourful pictures bring out the excitement when I read the book. Next, I really like how each monkey has their unique facial expressions when they are in different situations.
What medium was used?
This book is printed on thick paperboard which is more durable for young children. Young children around age three to five are mostly likely to break the books, thus I would choose the books that are more enduring.
What mood do they evoke?
Reading the book Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed allows me to feel happy and excited. Right from the beginning, I can acknowledge a happy feeling because the smile on each of the monkey’s face shows that they are all having a fun time. I think the author did a great job on presenting the mood of this book because the colourful pictures and the unique facial expressions on each monkey’s face make the story much more enjoyable.
Why would the Children enjoy them?
This book is fun to read and to learn from. The colourful pictures and the fun nursery rhyme bring the excitement out when the children read them. Therefore, these features from the book bring a lot of joy when children read it.
Why were you drawn to them?
When I first read the book, I was immediately drawn to the colourful pictures, nursery rhyme that allows young children to engage in other parts of the brain and the simple math that allows children to count the descending order from number five to zero. I love how the story brings out a message that advises children not to jump on the bed without parent’s guardian because they can easily get hurt.
(Represents the bed) (Doctor Monkey)
In order for me to provoke the children’s interest or to make them wonder about today’s exercise, I will place a blanket in the middle of the classroom where I will sit or lie on it before the children come in to the day care. Next, I will have a stuffed monkey that represents the doctor from the story and place it on the chair next to the blanket. As soon as the children gather around me and the monkey, I will introduce Dr. Monkey to the children and allow the children to ask questions that they are wondering about. Also, Dr. Monkey will talk to the children about the kinds of dangers that can happen during play time. This exercise allows the children to understand that they can get hurt even when they are having fun just like the little monkeys in the story so therefore they need to be very careful while playing.
The Four Ways
A) Felt Board Story
Before I present the story on the felt board, I will at least read it four times alone with the same group of children because this enables the children to be familiar with the story and the characters in it. A felt board story provides hand on learning opportunities for children. For example, the children can participate by removing the monkey when one of the monkeys falls off from the bed. Felt board story can stretch on the children’s imagination and enrich their vocabulary. Also, it helps with their memorization, enhances the children’s listening, reading and speaking skills and allows them to learn the difference in colours, shapes, and textures.
1) I need two beds for this felt story because, one for the five little monkeys where they can jump and sleep on after they get tired. The second one is for mama monkey where she can also jump on while the other little monkeys are sleeping. The bed for the five little monkeys should be a big one because it needs to fit all five little monkeys.
2) I need one blanket for the five little monkeys after they fall asleep.
3) I need seven monkeys. The first one is mama monkey; the second one is the doctor monkey and the rest is for the five little monkeys. All the monkeys should be unique with different facial expression and clothes.
4) I need two telephones. One is for mama monkey and the other one is for doctor monkey.
5) I need five bandages for each monkey after they bumped their head.
6) I need five pillows for the five little monkeys when they go to bed.
7) I need a bathtub for the five little monkeys to take a bath.
8) I need five different colors of tooth brushes.
9) I need a big sofa for the monkeys that hurt their head to sit on while the other jumps on the bed.
I am drawing all these pieces out and make them into the felt. However, if you don’t want to draw all these pictures, you can go online to search for the picture and print it out, then you can glue it on a piece of felt. Another option is the dollar store; however, not all dollar stores carry all the pieces you want.
A) Felt Board Story
Before I present the story on the felt board, I will at least read it four times alone with the same group of children because this enables the children to be familiar with the story and the characters in it. A felt board story provides hand on learning opportunities for children. For example, the children can participate by removing the monkey when one of the monkeys falls off from the bed. Felt board story can stretch on the children’s imagination and enrich their vocabulary. Also, it helps with their memorization, enhances the children’s listening, reading and speaking skills and allows them to learn the difference in colours, shapes, and textures.
1) I need two beds for this felt story because, one for the five little monkeys where they can jump and sleep on after they get tired. The second one is for mama monkey where she can also jump on while the other little monkeys are sleeping. The bed for the five little monkeys should be a big one because it needs to fit all five little monkeys.
2) I need one blanket for the five little monkeys after they fall asleep.
3) I need seven monkeys. The first one is mama monkey; the second one is the doctor monkey and the rest is for the five little monkeys. All the monkeys should be unique with different facial expression and clothes.
4) I need two telephones. One is for mama monkey and the other one is for doctor monkey.
5) I need five bandages for each monkey after they bumped their head.
6) I need five pillows for the five little monkeys when they go to bed.
7) I need a bathtub for the five little monkeys to take a bath.
8) I need five different colors of tooth brushes.
9) I need a big sofa for the monkeys that hurt their head to sit on while the other jumps on the bed.
I am drawing all these pieces out and make them into the felt. However, if you don’t want to draw all these pictures, you can go online to search for the picture and print it out, then you can glue it on a piece of felt. Another option is the dollar store; however, not all dollar stores carry all the pieces you want.
My first “wonder” will be on page one. “I wonder do we still eat after we brush our teeth.” I want to share this wonder with the children because I want the children to know the reason why we brush our teeth at night and I also want the children to know the advantages for brushing our teeth.
The second “wonder” is on page twenty six where Mama is missing. “I wonder where mama is going.” The reason why I want the children to think where mama is going is because I want the children to extend on their imagination.
The third “wonder” is on page twenty seventh where Mama is jumping on the bed. “I wonder whether mama will fall off from the bed.” I want the children to wonder whether Mama will fall off the bed because mama witnessed all her little monkeys fell down and got injured, but she still jumps on the bed.
I will chunk the book, because this is not a long story and it has rhyming pattern throughout the book; thus I think if I stop in the middle and continue the next day will confuse the children, causing them to mix up with their counting order.
B) Puppets
I will use puppets as another way to present the story after using the felt board with the same group of children, because the children are already familiar with the story and they can participate by being one of the characters inside. I think using different puppets is a great way to make story more interesting for children to learn. I will encourage children to sing songs along with the puppets because this provides an opportunity for them to improve their verbal skills. There are many advantages from using puppets as a way of storytelling. It helps the children with their listening skills, enhances their imaginations, develops their dramatic expressions, gives them confidence, and provides an opportunity for team works. I believe using puppets in a conversation with children can help them overcome their shyness. Also, it can stimulate their thinking process. I will choose not to follow the exact story line because this will help children improve with their imagination, thinking process, and their vocabulary.
1) I need two hand puppets for mama and doctor monkey. I suggest both monkeys dress like their character in the story. For example, doctor monkey should dress like a doctor.
2) I need five stick puppets for the five little monkeys. Each monkey should dress differently and they also should have different facial expression, because in this way children can learn the dramatic expressions.
3) I need two shoe boxes that will be decorated like a bed. One is for the five little monkeys and the other one is for mama. The first bed that is for the little monkeys should look different compared to mama’s bed. The shoe box for the five little monkeys should have a hole that is big enough to fit one of my hands because the hole is for my hand to control the monkeys to jump or to move.
4) I need two telephones for the conversation between mama and the doctor. I will use the telephones that are broken or that I don’t use anymore, because children might damage the telephones.
5) I need bandages for the monkeys after they bump their heads.
6) I need tooth brushes for the monkeys to brush their teeth. These tooth brushes are the ones that I don’t use anymore.
I need a plastic bowl to replace the bathtub. I choose plastic bowl is because they don’t break easily.
I can purchase all the monkeys from the dollar store. I need to put the stick into the five little monkeys and take the stuffing out from the bigger monkeys (mama & doctor) in order for me to make them into puppets. I can purchase the shoe boxes from the dollar store. I am using the ones from my house because I got these boxes when I purchased my shoes. I can get the fabric for the decoration of the beds and the monkeys from Fabricana and the dollar stores, but dollar stores do not have a lot to choose from. For the telephones, I can just take the ones that my family does not use anymore or the cell phones that are broken. I can get the bandages and the plastic bowl from the dollar stores. For the sticks, I can just pick it up from outside of my house or I can get it from a dollar store. I will use five different tooth brushes, because I want the children to know they shouldn’t share tooth brushes with each other even with family members.
I will chunk the book with the puppets because in this case, I will be able to let all the children to participate in the activity. If I spread the book in half and do the other half in the next day, it is very easy for educators to lose track on who else needs a turn.
C) Story Act Out
Making children act out the story is another way to make the story more interesting. I will use this method after using the puppets with the same group of children because in this way, the children are familiar with the passage or the flow of the story. I will have some background music throughout the play and an educator as a narrator, because the narrator can match with the children’s pace. I think the CD that reads along with the book is too fast, so children will be in a rush and might hurt themselves. Children can perform the story out to the parents during parents and teachers’ night. This will help build their interest in performing and build their confidence. Allowing children to act out the story can also help them improve their speech skills, listening skills, and verbal skills and provide an opportunity for team works, help develop appropriate voice modulation, and help the development of fine motor skills.
1) I need seven masks. Five for the five little monkeys, one for mama and the last one is for the doctor. The mask for mama and doctor should be different; however the mask for the five little monkeys can be the same.
2) I need two blankets to represent the beds for the little monkeys and mama.
3) I need five tooth brushes.
4) I need two telephones for the communication between mama and doctor.
5) I need an apron for the child who acts the mama monkey. The apron is a symbol of mama monkey.
I got the masks, the tooth brushes and the apron from dollar stores. I got my blanket from home, but you can purchase the blanket or piece of cloth from Fabricana or Fabric Land. I suggest using a small apron because the child can fit perfectly.
D) Unique Story Tale
The unique story tale will be my last method to present the story with the same group of children. This allows children to create in their own mind how scenes appear. Children can use different animals that they want to replace the characters inside the story, and educators should write down the story that children create. Educators should encourage the children to draw pictures to go along with their own story. This helps the children with their imagination, build their confidence, and learn the difference of colors and the names of the animals. I suggest that educators should always take pictures with the children’s work, because children can show their finished creation to their parents and other people. Once the children are finished with their own unique story, educators should encourage them to tell their story to other children. This can help the children with their vocabulary and speech skills. On the other hand, children who are listening can improve their listening skills, and they can also learn how to respect other’s creation. The unique story tale is a great way for children to express the story in their own creative way.
1) I need a camera for educators to take pictures throughout the process.
2) I need white and color papers for children to draw or to do anything they want.
3) I need different kinds of animals in different colors.
4) I need paint or crayon that children can draw with.
5) I need a large table that allows children to create their work freely.
6) I need glue that help glue children’s work together.
7) I need scissors for educators to cut whatever children wants. For example, educators need to cut the animals that are not in the material box.
8) I need an art and craft box that contains yarn, glitter glue, etc.
I think it is better if we provide as much materials as possible for children to use, because in this case we won’t limit the children’s creativity or imagination.
I can purchase the glue, crayon, paint, yarns, small animals, etc. from the dollar store, Michaels or Superstore. However, if you want to get extra art and craft materials in a cheap price, you can go to the thrift store.
The first thing that we can do after reading the book is to learn songs about monkey, such as “Monkey see monkey do”. This song allows children to imitate different movement of animals and it also allows children to learn the uniqueness of different animals. The most important thing is that music allows children to exercise their body and improve their motor skills.
The second thing that we can do after reading the book is to watch some clips about real monkeys. This way, children can extend their understandings about monkeys. For example, there are different kinds of monkeys and they live in different areas due to the weather. Also, this can give extra information about the way monkey lives.
The third thing that we can do after reading the book is to go on field trip to the zoo. Field trips are a great way for children to learn while having fun. It also provides a hand-on learning opportunity while also being introduce to a new environment. For example, children can actually be in contact with the monkeys in the zoo and they can also learn the real monkeys’ movement.
My first “wonder” will be on page one. “I wonder do we still eat after we brush our teeth.” I want to share this wonder with the children because I want the children to know the reason why we brush our teeth at night and I also want the children to know the advantages for brushing our teeth.
The second “wonder” is on page twenty six where Mama is missing. “I wonder where mama is going.” The reason why I want the children to think where mama is going is because I want the children to extend on their imagination.
The third “wonder” is on page twenty seventh where Mama is jumping on the bed. “I wonder whether mama will fall off from the bed.” I want the children to wonder whether Mama will fall off the bed because mama witnessed all her little monkeys fell down and got injured, but she still jumps on the bed.
I will chunk the book, because this is not a long story and it has rhyming pattern throughout the book; thus I think if I stop in the middle and continue the next day will confuse the children, causing them to mix up with their counting order.
B) Puppets
I will use puppets as another way to present the story after using the felt board with the same group of children, because the children are already familiar with the story and they can participate by being one of the characters inside. I think using different puppets is a great way to make story more interesting for children to learn. I will encourage children to sing songs along with the puppets because this provides an opportunity for them to improve their verbal skills. There are many advantages from using puppets as a way of storytelling. It helps the children with their listening skills, enhances their imaginations, develops their dramatic expressions, gives them confidence, and provides an opportunity for team works. I believe using puppets in a conversation with children can help them overcome their shyness. Also, it can stimulate their thinking process. I will choose not to follow the exact story line because this will help children improve with their imagination, thinking process, and their vocabulary.
1) I need two hand puppets for mama and doctor monkey. I suggest both monkeys dress like their character in the story. For example, doctor monkey should dress like a doctor.
2) I need five stick puppets for the five little monkeys. Each monkey should dress differently and they also should have different facial expression, because in this way children can learn the dramatic expressions.
3) I need two shoe boxes that will be decorated like a bed. One is for the five little monkeys and the other one is for mama. The first bed that is for the little monkeys should look different compared to mama’s bed. The shoe box for the five little monkeys should have a hole that is big enough to fit one of my hands because the hole is for my hand to control the monkeys to jump or to move.
4) I need two telephones for the conversation between mama and the doctor. I will use the telephones that are broken or that I don’t use anymore, because children might damage the telephones.
5) I need bandages for the monkeys after they bump their heads.
6) I need tooth brushes for the monkeys to brush their teeth. These tooth brushes are the ones that I don’t use anymore.

I can purchase all the monkeys from the dollar store. I need to put the stick into the five little monkeys and take the stuffing out from the bigger monkeys (mama & doctor) in order for me to make them into puppets. I can purchase the shoe boxes from the dollar store. I am using the ones from my house because I got these boxes when I purchased my shoes. I can get the fabric for the decoration of the beds and the monkeys from Fabricana and the dollar stores, but dollar stores do not have a lot to choose from. For the telephones, I can just take the ones that my family does not use anymore or the cell phones that are broken. I can get the bandages and the plastic bowl from the dollar stores. For the sticks, I can just pick it up from outside of my house or I can get it from a dollar store. I will use five different tooth brushes, because I want the children to know they shouldn’t share tooth brushes with each other even with family members.
I will chunk the book with the puppets because in this case, I will be able to let all the children to participate in the activity. If I spread the book in half and do the other half in the next day, it is very easy for educators to lose track on who else needs a turn.
C) Story Act Out
Making children act out the story is another way to make the story more interesting. I will use this method after using the puppets with the same group of children because in this way, the children are familiar with the passage or the flow of the story. I will have some background music throughout the play and an educator as a narrator, because the narrator can match with the children’s pace. I think the CD that reads along with the book is too fast, so children will be in a rush and might hurt themselves. Children can perform the story out to the parents during parents and teachers’ night. This will help build their interest in performing and build their confidence. Allowing children to act out the story can also help them improve their speech skills, listening skills, and verbal skills and provide an opportunity for team works, help develop appropriate voice modulation, and help the development of fine motor skills.
1) I need seven masks. Five for the five little monkeys, one for mama and the last one is for the doctor. The mask for mama and doctor should be different; however the mask for the five little monkeys can be the same.
2) I need two blankets to represent the beds for the little monkeys and mama.
3) I need five tooth brushes.
4) I need two telephones for the communication between mama and doctor.
5) I need an apron for the child who acts the mama monkey. The apron is a symbol of mama monkey.
I got the masks, the tooth brushes and the apron from dollar stores. I got my blanket from home, but you can purchase the blanket or piece of cloth from Fabricana or Fabric Land. I suggest using a small apron because the child can fit perfectly.
D) Unique Story Tale
The unique story tale will be my last method to present the story with the same group of children. This allows children to create in their own mind how scenes appear. Children can use different animals that they want to replace the characters inside the story, and educators should write down the story that children create. Educators should encourage the children to draw pictures to go along with their own story. This helps the children with their imagination, build their confidence, and learn the difference of colors and the names of the animals. I suggest that educators should always take pictures with the children’s work, because children can show their finished creation to their parents and other people. Once the children are finished with their own unique story, educators should encourage them to tell their story to other children. This can help the children with their vocabulary and speech skills. On the other hand, children who are listening can improve their listening skills, and they can also learn how to respect other’s creation. The unique story tale is a great way for children to express the story in their own creative way.
1) I need a camera for educators to take pictures throughout the process.
2) I need white and color papers for children to draw or to do anything they want.
3) I need different kinds of animals in different colors.
4) I need paint or crayon that children can draw with.
5) I need a large table that allows children to create their work freely.
6) I need glue that help glue children’s work together.
7) I need scissors for educators to cut whatever children wants. For example, educators need to cut the animals that are not in the material box.
8) I need an art and craft box that contains yarn, glitter glue, etc.
I think it is better if we provide as much materials as possible for children to use, because in this case we won’t limit the children’s creativity or imagination.
I can purchase the glue, crayon, paint, yarns, small animals, etc. from the dollar store, Michaels or Superstore. However, if you want to get extra art and craft materials in a cheap price, you can go to the thrift store.
The first thing that we can do after reading the book is to learn songs about monkey, such as “Monkey see monkey do”. This song allows children to imitate different movement of animals and it also allows children to learn the uniqueness of different animals. The most important thing is that music allows children to exercise their body and improve their motor skills.
The second thing that we can do after reading the book is to watch some clips about real monkeys. This way, children can extend their understandings about monkeys. For example, there are different kinds of monkeys and they live in different areas due to the weather. Also, this can give extra information about the way monkey lives.
The third thing that we can do after reading the book is to go on field trip to the zoo. Field trips are a great way for children to learn while having fun. It also provides a hand-on learning opportunity while also being introduce to a new environment. For example, children can actually be in contact with the monkeys in the zoo and they can also learn the real monkeys’ movement.
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