Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Day It Rained Hearts

Bond, Felicia (2002). The Day It Rained Hearts. New York: Laura Geringer Books.
           ISBN: 0-06-001078-9
This book is about a little girl names Cornelia Augusta who went for a walk when it all of a sudden started raining hearts. She caught many different hearts and took them home soon realizing that each heart was different in its own way. She begins to make valentine cards out of the hearts for her special friends which she then mails out later that day. After that afternoon, it didn’t rain hearts ever again but she found other ways to collect hearts for her friends. This is a great book for children in pre-school because it gives them ideas about how to do nice things for their friends. It shows how to be thoughtful by using your imagination in order to make each card special for the people you care about most.

3 Ways of Presenting the Story:
-use scissors to cut out different sizes of hearts and characters out of a magnet sheet. Place the cut outs onto a cookie sheet allowing the children to tell the story to themselves.
-use a stick puppet so that the children could participate in the story.
-read the story out loud and once you reach the end of the story, have a discussion with the children about their thoughts and emotions.

3 possible extensions:
-sing song like: if all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops?
 Or song likes: skidamarink a dink a dink/ skidamarink adoo   I love you
-discuss about the history of valentines’ day and how did it start?  
-After reading this book, I could play the matching game with children.  

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