Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Critical Issues Books (2)

 Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready For Baby?

Saltzberg, B.(2009). Cornelius P. Mud, are you ready for baby? Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.

ISBN # 978-0-7636-3596-1

In this book Cornelius, a little pig, is facing the challenge of having a baby brother. He asks his mother questions on what the baby can do, but his mother answers him that all his brother can do now is to sleep, drink, pee, poop, and cry. Seeing how much attention the baby gets, Cornelius asks his mother if she loves the baby more than she loves him. His mother explains to him that she has enough love for both of them. Finally, Cornelius finds something the baby can do, and that is to be his little brother!

I would use this book with children 3-5 because this is a common challenge among children in this age area to deal with a new baby brother/sister in the family. This book deals with the different emotions children might have such as curiosity and jealousy. The illustrations in this book are done in acrylic and pencil and are big enough to present to a large group of children at one time. They are humorous and exaggerated which I think children will find interesting.

I would have a picture the size of a poster board on a wall with Cornelius holding his baby brother. I wouldn’t say anything to the children about it; just let them talk between themselves. When I would present the story, I would place something to hide the cover of the book.

Ways to present the story:
1) When I read the story, I would stop and wonder with the children at the part when the Mom brings the baby to show him to Cornelius, “I wonder who that is?” When Cornelius asks his mother about the baby, stop and say, “I wonder what the baby can do.” When he asks his mother if she loves the baby more than him, say “I wonder what Cornelius feels like.”
2) Use felt- make the main characters (Cornelius, Mom, and baby) or check if they have them ready-made at 3D Craftworks. Also, try to make different felts with the baby playing, talking, walking, and eating pizza.
3) Puppets- have the main characters. Like above, have some props which indicate the baby is involved in the action verbs (playing, talking...etc.)
4) As you read the story, get children involved in a play- have one be Cornelius asking the Mother all the questions about the baby. One can be the Mother, and another child can be the baby curled up in a blanket.

1) Talk to the children about the many ways we can care for our baby brothers/ sisters. Have children think about ideas on how they might make the baby feel comfortable (ex. Keep the baby cozy in a blanket, feed him, gently touch him...etc.). Talk about what babies can/ cannot do.
2) I would recommend this book to parents who want to explain in more detail to their son/ daughter about the different ways to take care of a baby. The book is called “Hello Baby!” by Lizzy Rockwell.
3) I would have to bring in two or more baby dolls in the classroom, and have the children pretend to take care of them. Bring feeding bottles, blankets, and diapers.

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