Friday, October 15, 2010

Social skills 2

Numeroff, L. (2009). What Sisters Do Best. San Francisco, Ca: Chronicle Books LLC.
“what Sisters Do Best and What Brothers Do Best” by Laura Numeroff is truly a book about the love of a brother, and the love of a sister. It talks about key points of why we love brothers and sisters so much. It’s because of the things they teach us and show us as younger siblings, and just because you’re not as big as them doesn’t mean you don’t have a great advantage too. You get to have a bigger sibling that show’s and teaches you neat things.  
I would read this book to three to five-year olds because of the importance of the bond between siblings. I think it’s crucial for young children to see that their bigger siblings are there to teach and show them new things, and that it can be a great experience and a great advantage to have an older brother or sister.  
Illustrations by Lynn Munsinger are just beautiful. The colors are worm and comforting which fits perfectly with the story. It adds great detail and love to the story. I think the medium used is watercolors and it makes the pictures very interesting to look at. 
For provocations I would have the books on the table and display them around the room so that children can take a peek at them.I would also have have pictures around the room of siblings doing things together that make the children think and wonder.
I would then ask the children to come and listen to a story. I would read the book and stop at certain places to talk about brothers and sisters, if any of the children had something to add we would all listen to their story, because this story I am most positive will spark some memories of their experiences with their siblings. 
For extensions I would have them bring in pictures of their brothers and/or sisters or if they don’t have siblings I would allow friends or family to substitute this.  We would then make a picture book of what our brother’s and/ or sister’s do best. We would sing songs about siblings, and maybe even make them a card of what we love about them. 

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